YouTube Videos

We are firm believers in online and hybrid education. Face-to-face interaction is important for addressing challenges, providing hands-on support, and also for motivation. But course participants should have the opportunity to learn the material at their own pace by consulting simple explainer videos and reading materials.

We share our teaching globally on our YouTube Channel. At the moment, we are also creating a new platform, which teaches statistics and econometrics for visual learners. The platform is still at the pilot stage and is expected to be fully operational in early 2024. To get an impression of our course materials, here is an example from a causal inference course.

Check out some of our videos here ๐Ÿ‘‡

Causal Inference

Our flagship playlist on Causal Inference had over 40,000 views in the first year and currently attracts several hundreds of viewers every day. The material is at the M.Sc and PhD level and covers the canonical research designs in causal inference, namely research design based on DAGs, instrumental variables, regression discontinuity, difference-in-differences, and synthetic control. The teaching combines the art with the science: students learn the theory behind the methods and the instructor walks them through use cases and provides tips on best practices.

Two examples for videos can be found below ๐Ÿ‘‡

Metrix Nuts and Bolts

We are currently working on a new project called Metrics Nuts and Bolts, which provides explainer videos of technical topics in econometrics and statistics. Most videos are inspired by studentโ€™s questions and issues our students seem to have struggled with. These videos are not meant for a broad audience, but they help practitioners who struggle with a particular topic or method. Below ๐Ÿ‘‡ is an example for a video in this series. More will be added soon on YouTube.